var color = "red"; var birdName = "redHat"; var powers = ["emptyHands"]; var isAttacked = false;
function attack($bird, animationConfig) { isAttacked = true; arm($bird); $bird.animate(animationConfig); } function removeBird($bird, removeConfig) { if (isAttacked) $bird.animate(removeConfig); } function getBirdHitScore ($bird) { return calculateScore($bird.position() + $nowPig.position()); }
var redBird = $("#redBird"); redBird.on("click", function(this){ attack($(this), {left: 1000, top: 250}); });
function RedAngryBird(htmlId, config) { this.color = "red"; this.powers = config.powers; this.isAttacked = false; this.htmlId = htmlId; this.$bird = $("#" + htmlId); }
RedAngryBird.prototype = { attack: function () { this.isAttacked = true; this.arm(); this.$bird.animate(this.animate.attack); }, remove: function () { if (this.isAttacked) { this.$bird.animate(this.animate.destroy); } }, arm: function() { /*...*/} };
var redHat = new RedAngryBird("jim", {name: "jim"}); var redNosed = new RedAngryBird("red", {name: "red"});
redHat.attack(); redNosed.attack(); redHat.remove();
function AngryBird(htmlId, config) { this.color = config.color; // <- NEW Color property this.powers = config.powers; this.isAttacked = false; this.$bird = $(htmlId); }
AngryBird.prototype = { attack: function () { this.isAttacked = true; this.arm(); this.$bird.animate(this.animate.attack); }, remove: function () { if (this.isAttacked) { this.$bird.animate(this.animate.destroy); } }, arm: function () { /*...*/ } };
var twitter = new AngryBird("#twitter", {color: "blue", name: "jim"}); var redHat = new AngryBird("#red", {color: "red", name: "red"}); twitter.attack(); redHat.attack(); redHat.remove(); //- removes only "redHat" from the DOM
//- 1. define a class function BlueAngryBird () { this.color = 'blue' }
//- 2. define the inheritance BlueAngryBird.prototype = new AngryBird;
//- 3. fix the constructor BlueAngryBird.prototype.constructor = BlueAngryBird;
//- 4.1 overide the arm method with a special arm BlueAngryBird.prototype.arm = function() { this.powers.push(new AngryBird(/*..*/)); this.powers.push(new AngryBird(/*..*/)); this.powers.push(new AngryBird(/*..*/)); this.$bird.on("click", this.split.bind(this)); }
//- 4.2 adding NEW method - split birds BlueAngryBird.prototype.split = function() { for(var i = 0; i < this.powers.length; i++) { this.usePower(this.power[i]); } }
//- 5. create the bird var twitter = new BlueAngryBird("#twitter", {name: "twitter"}); twitter.color; // outputs "blue" twitter.arm(); // invokes the new method
Rand Macivor
var RedBirdModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ isAttacked: function() { return this.get("isAttacked"); }, poof: function() { //- fires change events when data change this.set({isDismissed: true}); } });
var redModel = new RedBirdModel( birdProperties ); redModel.get("isAttacked") // returns "false" var redhat = new RedBirdView({ model: redModel });
var RedBirdView = Backbone.View.extend({ events: { "click": "attack" }, initialize: function() { this.model.on('change', this.render, this); }, render: function() { ... }, attack: function() { if (this.model.isAttacked()) { this.model.poof(); } else { this.model.set('isAttacked', true); } } });
<%= birdHead %><%= birdBody %><%= birdLegs %>
var birdData = { birdColor: "yellow", birdHead: {/*...*/}, birdBody: {/*...*/}, birdLegs: {/*...*/} } var birdHtml = _.template( birdTemplateString, birdData );
require( ["js/AngryBird", "js/RedAngryBird", "libs/jquery", "libs/backbone"], function(angryBird, redAngryBird, $, Backbone){ //- statements });
define( ["js/AngryBird", "libs\jquery", "libs\backbone"], function(angryBird, $, Backbone){ return {/* ... */}; });
define([ "libs/jquery", "libs/underscore", "libs/backbone", "text!templates/bird.html"],
function($, _, Backbone, birdTemplate) { var bird = Backbone.View.extend({ attack: function() {...}, arm: function() {...} }) return bird; } )
define([ "lib/jquery", "libs/underscore", "libs/backbone", "js/AngryBirdView", "text!templates/bird.html"], function($, _, B, AngryBird, birdTemplate) {
//- private variable var birdSpeed = 2;
//- YELLOW BIRD var yellowBird = AngryBird.extend({ arm: function() {...}, flyFast: function () { birdSpeed *= 2; //- reference to private; } }) return yellowBird; })
require("path/to/YellowBirdView", function(yellowBird) { //- create new var yellowChello = new yellowBird(); yellowChello.flyFast(); yellowChello.birdSpeed *= 5; //- JS Error - birdSpeed not defined });
var GameRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({ routes: { "help": "showHelp", "levels/:level": "goTolevel", "levels/:level/:scene": "goToScene" }, //- 2. callbacks to handle entry points showHelp: function() { /*...*/ }, goToLevel: function(level) { /* */ } goToScene: function(level, scene) { /* */ } });
//- called from Levels Menu Module var GameMenuManager = Backbone.View.extend({ //- 1. define dom events events: { "click .scene": "startScene" }, //- 2. start to play a scene startScene: function(ev) { GameRouter.navigate("levels/1/2", {trigger: true}); }})
//- Game Storage Module define([ "libs/jquery", "libs/underscore", "libs/backbone", "libs/backbone/safe" function($, _, Backbone, Safe) { var GameStorage = Backbone.Model.extend({
// define Safe safe: "angry-birds-levels",
setLevelSuccess: function(level, isPassed, score) { this.set({ level: level, isPassed: isPassed, score: score }); } }) return GameStorage; })
define([ "some-depended-files "], function($, _, B, AngryBird, birdTemplate) { var blueBird = AngryBird.extend({ initialize: function(gameController) { //- 1. listen to Game Events this.gameController = gameController; gameController.on("bird-success-hit", this.hooray, this); }, hooray: function() { /* happy happy joy joy */ },
attack: function() { //- 2. notify the game if (this.model.get('isSuccessAttack')) { this.gameController.trigger("bird-success-hit", this.model.birdId); } }, }) return blueBird; })
var GameController = Backbone.View.extend({ //- 1. notify/publish events to the core game controller trigger: function (eventName, eventData) { /**/ }, //- 2. allow modules to listen/subscribe to other events on: function (eventName, handler, scope) {...},
//- 3. constructor initialize: function() { this.modules = { gameManager: new GameManager( this ), gameStorage: new GameStorage( this ), gameRouter: new GameRouter( this ), levelsManager: new LevelsManager( this ) }; },
//- possible modules operations startAll: function(modules) { /**/ }, stopAll: function() { /**/ }, disableModule: function(moduleId) { /**/ }, enableModule: function(moduleId) { /**/ } })
Credits: Tikal Techs, mr doob for chrome experiments
Inspiration: Nicholas Zakas, Addy Osmani